Thursday, September 20, 2018

Project 2 50 Ideas

  1. How to fly
  2. How to swim
  3. How to drown
  4. How to kick a ball
  5. How to run
  6. How to skip
  7. How to dance
  8. How to eat
  9. How to throw a ball
  10. How to travel
  11. How to shoot a basketball
  12. How to beat someone up
  13. How to see the world
  14. How to brush your teeth
  15. How to spin on a spinning chair
  16. how to have the best mustache 
  17. How to get a girlfriend
  18. How to carry a baby
  19. How to babysit
  20. how to call someone
  21. how to eat knives
  22. how to get a haircut
  23. how to shop for toothpaste
  24. how to paint your nails
  25. how to summon a seagull
  26. how to catch a train
  27. how to perform brain surgery 
  28. how to hail a cab
  29. how to train your dog
  30. how to order tai food
  31. how to potty train your sibling 
  32. how to tie a knot
  33. how to clean your glasses
  34. how to type on a keyboard
  35. how to use a pencil
  36. how to sing in a foreign language
  37. how to find parking
  38. How to swim without any limbs
  39. How to crack your knuckles
  40. How buy doughnuts 
  41. How to hammer a nail
  42. How to annoy your grandpa
  43. How to photograph your imaginary friend
  44. How to steal a purse
  45. How to identify an ant
  46. How to communicate with orcas
  47. How to buy boots
  48. How to catch a movie
  49. How to wait in line at the dmv
  50. How to escape the police 

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